Excellence Awards

MSPRA's Excellence Award recognizes outstanding publications, digital media materials, and other public relations projects across ten categories.

This award is open to any project fitting the submission criteria completed during the previous year (July 1 - June 30). At least one contributor on the submission must be a good-standing member of MSPRA or NSPRA. A project should only be entered for consideration in one category. There is no limit to the number of unique submissions in a category, or the number of total submissions across all categories. The fee is $25 per entry. 2025 submissions will be accepted between April 1 and June 30, 2025.

MSPRA Awards Submission Portal

The following categories are available for submissions in the MSPRA Excellence Awards program:

  • Annual Report – A yearly document summarizing district or program goals, activities, and accomplishments.
  • Audio / Podcast – A podcast, public service announcement, or other audio project. Provide a URL to one episode or presentation and include a brief summary of the audio's purpose, the target audience, how it is being used, and the outcomes achieved to date.
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Any communications project that is intentionally designed to positively impact, support, or promote DEI efforts in a program, school, or district. In addition to the submitted document, photos, or files, include a brief summary of the project, how it will impact, support, or promote DEI efforts, and how multiple perspectives were considered and consulted in the process.
  • Financial Report – Information about bond or millage issues, district budgets, tax levies, or other financial topics.
  • Marketing Materials – Brochures, flyers, advertisements, branding packages, or other promotional materials to market a program, school or district to key audiences.
  • Newsletter – Print or digital newsletters published periodically and designed for an internal or external audience. Provide two different issues to qualify as one entry.
  • Special Purpose – An internal or external booklet, brochure, document, or material not included in other categories.
  • Social Media – A communication campaign using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or TikTok. Provide at least three relevant postings and a URL to the relevant platforms and include a brief summary of the purpose of the campaign, the target audience, how it is being used, and the outcomes achieved to date.
  • Video – An edited video, live broadcast, or other recording designed for a website, special event, or video channel. Provide a URL from a website, YouTube, Vimeo, Google Drive, or other platform and include a brief summary of the video's purpose, the target audience, how it is being used, and the outcomes achieved to date.
  • Website / Mobile App – An existing or redesigned website or mobile application, or a website for a special purpose or short-term project. Existing websites that have been previously entered are not eligible. Provide a URL and any login information needed for access.

Submissions are judged individually within their category. Submissions scoring 35-40 points receive the Excellence Award. Submissions scoring 30-34.99 points receive the Merit Award.

Overall Criteria

The following elements are considered by judges for entries in all categories:

  • The purpose and target audience are well defined or implied;
  • The writing is clear, concise, and positive;
  • The text is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors;
  • The content is well-organized, visually appealing, and appropriate; and
  • The program, school, and/or district brand is portrayed consistently.

Each category has three additional elements for consideration specific to that category.

Annual Report

  • Font and graphic elements are easy to read and enhance the overall design;
  • The format and length are appropriate for the content and the target audiences; and
  • There is an effective balance of written and visual information.

Audio / Podcast 

  • The editing is smooth, organized, and well-paced;
  • The topics covered are engaging, innovative, and relevant;
  • Narration, music, and other sounds are of good and consistent quality.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • The project is intentionally designed to positively impact, support, or promote DEI efforts;
  • The message/voice of the project is appropriate, approachable, and engaging; and
  • There is evidence that multiple perspectives were considered and consulted in the creation or development process.

Financial Report

  • Font and graphic elements are easy to read and enhance the overall design;
  • Complicated topics are made relevant and easy to understand for the target audiences; and
  • There is an effective balance of written and visual information.

Marketing Materials

  • The program, school, or district is presented in a creative, persuasive, and positive way;
  • Font and graphic elements are easy to read and enhance the overall design; and
  • There is a compelling call to action.


  • The topics covered are varied and engaging;
  • Font and graphic elements are easy to read and enhance the overall design; and
  • There is consistency shown across multiple issues.

Special Purpose

  • Font and graphic elements are easy to read and enhance the overall design;
  • The format and length are appropriate for the content and the target audiences; and
  • There is an effective balance of written and visual information.

Social Media 

  • Posts include a high-quality photo, graphic, or video;
  • Audience engagement is apparent and encouraged; and
  • Posts reflect platform best practices related to accessibility, frequency, style, and voice.


  • The editing is smooth, organized, and well-paced;
  • The video includes closed captioning; and 
  • Video, narration, still photos, music, and graphics are integrated effectively and consistently.

Website / Mobile App

  • User navigation is intuitive and is responsive on a mobile device;
  • Content appears current and regularly updated; and
  • The content and design are accessible for all users (WCAG 2.1 Level AA).

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