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Fall Drive-in

Thanks to all who attended MSPRA's 2023 Fall Drive-in Conference: "Unlock the Future of AI-Driven Communications and make FRIENDS with AI!" 

Nearly 60 attendees joined us on 10/25 for a day of discovery and experimentation with AI tools.

 Pleased attendees said things like:

  • The content was AMAZING and so pertinent to what we do every day. I walked away with so many new tools. The presenter was excellent and really broke down what we needed to know.
  • This was my first hands-on exposure to AI and having the whole conference dedicated to this topic enabled me to leave the conference with a good foundational knowledge of how to use it in my role.
  • EXCELLENT hands-on experience. That was KEY to the event. We started with the basics and then dived deep.

Thanks to our presenter Rebecca Bultsma for traveling from Canada to share with us.

Thanks to our investment partners for helping make this event possible.

Thanks to our sponsors!

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