Hot Topics

Stuff happens!  And, when it does, you may have to communicate about it. This public page is a repository for hot-topic communication tools/resources. Some are authored by MSPRA, others are taken from publicly-posted sources. Postings here do not imply an endorsement or recommendation. 

Important Note 

These resources highlight some of the ways school districts may choose to communicate about hot topics and sensitive issues. Always consider your school’s policies, codes of conduct, local community needs and your local climate as you address the information needs of your stakeholders.

If you’d like even more school communication tools and strategies, see our password-protected resources page.  Not a member? You may be able to join MSPRA to access our members-only section, to query award-winning MSPRA members and to network with some of the nation’s best school communicators.

The "Limitless Potential"templated materials are now available for your use in Canva! Using feedback from multiple presentations to Public Relations and Special Education practitioners, the materials include FERPA guidance, PowerPoint presentations and many templates for flyers, posters, social media posts, data points and videos, including real examples of how they can be used. #MILimitlessPotential is the primary hashtag, but others include: #AllMeansAll and #ItTakesAVillage. 

Register for the no-cost Michigan School Public Relations Association Lunch and Learn on October 8 from Noon-1 p.m. to learn how to use this campaign. A “how-to” video is also included in the Limitless Potential Canva folder. If you have difficulty accessing Canva, please email Dave Sim from Copper Country ISD. 

If you have any questions about the campaign, please contact anyone on the workgroup:

  • Gerri Allen, MSPRA/MAISA
  • Dana Chicklas, Wayne RESA
  • Abby Cypher, MAASE
  • Rachel Fuerer, Eastern UP ISD
  • Kyle Gnagey, MAISA
  • Ryan Jarvi, Northwest Education Services
  • Micki O’Neil, Ingham ISD
  • Dave Sim, Copper Country ISD
  • Dr. Jen Taiariol, Wayne RESA
  • Renee Thelen, Clinton County RESA
  • Lindsey Zeller, MAASE

Now let’s get started! Use your storytelling talents to share amazing accomplishments in your local community using the statewide templates for a unified message.

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