
If you’re responsible for communicating with students, staff, parents and local residents about your school, you need MSPRA - even if “communication” is not part of your job title, or falls under “other duties as assigned” in your primary role. As an MSPRA member, you will be part of one of the most highly recognized school public relations chapters in the country. Within our ranks are award winning, highly-qualified professionals who are eager to support their fellow communicators.

Link with others to get help!

As a member of MSPRA, you will connect with other professionals in school communication. If you have a question or an issue, there is a bank of experienced colleagues that you can call.

You can join this organization of professional communicators, who, like yourself, are concerned about school/community relations and the role it plays in student success.

Member Benefits

Professional Development: Reduced registration rates at MSPRA seminars and conferences, designed especially for communicators concerned with the future of education in Michigan.

Daily News Feed:  Often featuring bellwether education-related stories that are making headlines in Michigan (and/or the nation) delivered to your inbox every morning. 

Resources: Our members-only collection of public relations resources are contributed by members for members.

Awards: An annual event open to all members for a minimal fee. Each entry receives a complete evaluation.

Listserv: You can access the skills and expertise of our entire membership with just a few keystrokes.

Choose Your Membership

Membership may be held by anyone who is a member of the National School Public Relations Association and/or has school public relations responsibilities. Any individual meeting these criteria and having worked or is currently working within the geographic boundaries of Michigan may choose to join MSPRA. (Membership year is July 1-June 30.)

Professional membership may be held by anyone who is employed in education whose job responsibilities involve communication, promotion and/or its support, including, but not limited to public relations professionals, administrators, board members, educators, and school support staff.

Institutional membership is available to any organization with employees who hold a professional position in educational public relations, communication, or marketing. Institutional membership shall provide membership for up to three employees of an organization. Institutional members shall have the right to hold chapter office and to vote on all issues that may come before the chapter.

Retired membership is available to anyone who has been an active member of MSPRA and who is no longer providing public relations services to schools. Retired members maintain all rights of Professional membership.

Would you like to join an MSPRA Committee? Please make your selections (optional)
Membership (Membership year is July 1-June 30.)
Please choose your membership (required)
For Institutional Membership Only: List two additional people and their email addresses to be included under your Institutional Membership.
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Membership on an MSPRA committee provides new opportunities to network with your fellow professionals as well as gain additional knowledge. 

Awards and Recognition

Elevates the practitioner and school public relations by identifying and recognizing professional school communicators and their districts through the MSPRA School Communicator and Superintendent Communicator of the Year Awards, MSPRA Gold Medallion Award for programs and projects, constructive peer-review feedback on communication strategies and activities, APR (Accredited in Public Relations) Certification, and application to the National School Public Relations Association for the Distinguished Chapter Award. The Awards and Recognition Committee chairperson works with volunteers to coordinate committee activities.

Membership and Marketing

The Membership and Marketing Committee's goal is to make educators statewide aware of the benefits of MSPRA membership. We publicize the overall benefits of membership in MSPRA. As part of that effort, we promote participation in the annual MSPRA conference, in regional MSPRA activities, in periodic “drive-in” events, and other MSPRA activities. Committee members work with other Standing Committees and MSPRA volunteers to achieve its goal.

Professional Development

As PR professionals in the world of education, we rarely get a chance to work with other experts in our field. Professional Development is critical for continuous learning, as well as networking with other school PR experts. This committee helps in the planning and implementation of the annual MSPRA conference and drive-in conferences on topics requested or needed by our members. The Professional Development Committee chairperson works with Professional Development Committee volunteers to plan events.

If you would like to join one of these committees or have questions, please contact Kelly Allen at [email protected]

NSPRA supports nearly 3,000 members, primarily communication professionals in public school districts and educational organizations across the United States and Canada. Members of NSPRA receive exclusive benefits, a broad range of professional development opportunities and access to a network of peers nationwide who share their challenges.

Visit NSPRA member benefits to learn more!

Have Questions?

Please contact Vanessa Fineis or call (517) 327-5910. 

Member Testimonials

Headshot of Ashley Kryscynski
Ashley Kryscynski, MSW, Director of Communications and Public Relations, Washtenaw ISD To say I'm beyond grateful for MSPRA would be an understatement! As someone who did not come from a public relations background, my MSPRA colleagues have offered me a wealth of knowledge and resources so I can best serve my district. They've generously provided support for everything from the mundane to full scale crises, and I know they always have my back.
Zach Harig, Communications & Marketing Coordinator, Hamilton Community Schools Being new to the school PR and communications world, MSPRA helped connect me to experienced professionals and resources to help me learn and better myself. MSPRA helps you develop a list of trusted colleagues that you can turn to in a moment of need or celebration, no matter the situation.
Susan Coney, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Kalamazoo Public Schools MSPRA provides top-notch training and resources. But most importantly, its passionate and knowledgeable members are there to provide support, offer suggestions, cheer you on, or lift you up when things are challening. It is a great feeling to know there is a cadre of talented, and caring school PR professionals across the state available at assist when needed. There isn't a better SPRA than the award-winning Michigan chapter.
Karen Heath, Director of Communications, Berrien RESA At MSPRA, we are a family. Members truly care about each other and are always willing to lend a hand. Not only do they understand both the challenges and joys of being a school communicator, but this network of talented professionals also openly shares resources, serves as thought a partner, provides guidance in times of uncertainty, and offers a shoulder to lean on in the most difficult situations. I could not do my job well without the support of MSPRA. I am very grateful and proud to be a member of this association.
Robert Tolbert
Robert Tolbert, MBA, M.Ed. - Dir. School Com. Rel. & Pupil Accounting, Ferndale Public Schools MSPRA has cultivated an environment of collaboration and learning from each other. When faced with a new project or difficult situation, members are always willing to share their knowledge, experience, and resources because, in the end, we are all in this together.

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