Message from the superintendent:
I have only given three graduation speeches, all very short. The high school staff makes the ceremony very student-oriented with several students’ speeches, music performances, poetry, etc. During my short speech, I ask all former Wyandotte Roosevelt graduates to stand and be recognized. A majority of the audience stands!
This year, I ordered patches with the Wyandotte logo on them to distribute to staff to wear on navy blue blazers for graduation. This was well received by the community and staff (about 1/5 of the staff attended).
I thank parents for their efforts for the past 13 years, and tell them that their child will be giving them a graduation card from me that evening (something I copied from Livonia several years ago).
In May, the Board waived Board Secretary status to allow any Board member to sign diplomas of their own children or students that are special to them.
Board members and administrators of children that graduate are on stage and “stand in” for me or the high school principal to award their child’s diploma, with lots of ‘oohs’ from the crowd.