MSPRA is committed to promoting professional development and networking opportunities for school communicators at all levels. Our events are designed to equip school communicators, from newcomers to seasoned professionals, with knowledge, ideas, and inspiration.

Each year, we host a series of events, including two drive-in events in the Fall and Summer for comprehensive learning and our annual conference in March, which is a two-day event featuring keynote speakers, break-out sessions, and extensive networking opportunities. There are other smaller events throughout the year, including Idea Hours, book studies, and regional meetings.

Thank you, MSPRA Sponsors!

All of our events would not be possible without our sponsors. We are genuinely grateful for their support in helping us connect, engage, and learn from each other through our professional development opportunities.

Our 2023-2024 MSPRA Sponsors

Want to be an MSPRA sponsor? 

See our sponsorship menu! Questions about sponsorship can be directed to Zach Harig.

Our Sponsors

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